Fish Fertilize Trees
By Maya C. Lemaire



Deforestation: Friend or Foe?
Deforestation is the clearing of land for other purposes such as agriculture, animal grazing and to obtain wood for manufacturing, fuel & construction. This impact has greatly changed landscapes around the world. About 2000 years ago, 80% of Europe was forested and now only 38% remain. (cf. Gabrielli, 2022, pg. 1)
Deforestation is a huge threat to our wildlife and our society and about 47% of the world’s forests are in danger of deforestation or degradation by 2030. Although degradation doesn’t wipe out the forests’ existence, it can no no longer function properly to help sustain and provide a habitat for the wildlife and the people who depend on it, such as giving us oxygen, food, water and other necessary things for animals and people to survive, which isn’t as bad as deforestation but also very disastrous. (cf. Hancock, 2022, pg. 1)
Deforestation and degradation is threatening wildlife and if left like this there will be irreversible effects. Here are some solutions that will feel easy and you can do in your daily lives. (c.f Boyd, 2021, pg. 1)
1. Reduce consumption & use sustainable solutions
At the current rate of consumption the human population is right now, people are consuming 1.7 times more faster than the Earth can regenerate the resources that we commonly use. If we use sustainable practices to reduce this consumption rate, we can reduce our need for these resources and therefore reduce deforestation.
2. Reduce, Reuse & Recycle
We can reduce reuse and recycle our resources, especially paper products, so that we can reduce the need for deforestation and logging.
Written by Francesca
National Geographic Society (2022), Deforestation. [online] Available at: https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/deforestation
Hancock, L. (n.d.), What is forest degradation and why is it bad for the people and wildlife? [online] Available at: https://www.worldwildlife.org/stories/what-is-forest-degradation-and-why-is-it-bad-for-people-and-wildlife
Boyd, A. (December 2021), 6 Solutions To Deforestation - And What You Can Do. [online] Available at: https://utopia.org/guide/6-solutions-to-deforestation-and-what-you-can-do/